Our ethical principles set forth the expectation that our employees and associates will act with integrity at all times. They help govern how we engage with clients, suppliers, shareholders, fellow employees, and everyone involved in our operations worldwide. We are committed to ensuring that our employees and associates act with honesty and integrity, treat clients fairly, and exercise sound judgment. We expect everyone at Apeiron to hold themselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Since no document can cover all the possible situations that an employee or associate might face, Apeiron strives to stress the importance of decision-making governed by the ethical principles outlined below.
We maintain a cordial relationship with our colleagues and clients, and we listen to and value their perspectives. Discrimination or harassment against anyone with whom we do business or with whom have a professional relationship is unacceptable. We maintain equity in all our relationships.
We take responsibility for our actions, fulfill our obligations, and are careful when making decisions, all of which express our dedication to community and commitment.
We establish relationships based on trust, sincerity, and mutual respect. We avoid any misleading appearances in our professional and personal relationships.
We live the values that represent us and we seek to make fair decisions for everyone involved in our business.