Apeiron is committed to providing high quality services and deliverables. We only take on projects we are qualified to execute, and we do so under the premises established with each of our clients.
At Apeiron, we are committed to complying with all local and national laws and regulations in the countries where we operate. We are completely intolerant of any illegal, unethical, or corrupt behavior — or any behavior that breaches human rights. Our company strives to comply with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-money laundering global legislation.
No Apeiron employee shall improperly influence any decision or act of any government official, government employee, or political candidate. These include but are not limited to, the provision of gifts, meals, travel, hospitality, and entertainment. Any form of bribery, kickback, extortion, or embezzlement is prohibited.
Apeiron employees are prohibited from engaging in false or deceptive business practices, including any activity that may mislead clients. These prohibited practices include engaging in technology fraud and activities that may deceive vulnerable consumers into purchasing unnecessary technical support services.
Employees and associates must report any sign of unethical activities or the participation / involvement of any person in acts of bribery.
To keep our workforce updated on this topic, we periodically request that employees and associates take workshops to refresh their awareness of our corporate anti-corruption policies and to enable them to understand in a practical way their position on anti-corruption issues.
Apeiron conducts business in full compliance with all applicable fair competition and antitrust laws. We support the goal of a free and competitive market.
At Apeiron we are vigilant and will not allow conflicts of interest to bias our professional judgment. All Apeiron employees must avoid engagements and activities that constitute (or even present the appearance of) a conflict of interest. They shall not, for example, conduct business directly with an employee of a client company whose spouse, partner or family member has an employment relationship or financial interest with Apeiron. Insider trading is prohibited.
Apeiron personnel are committed to ensuring that client communications are truthful, accurate, and not misleading. Our employees and associates must act professionally and honestly, even when no one sees them. Everything an Apeiron employee or associate tells a client (whether current or prospective) about Apeiron’s services must be true, accurate, complete, and understandable. No important information will be omitted when engaging with clients, nor will Apeiron offer any services that it is not certain it can provide.
In order to maintain a relationship of trust with our clients, all commercial transactions must be carried out with full transparency and accurately reflected in employees’ and associates’ records. Apeiron business records will comply with any applicable legal, accounting, or regulatory requirements, and Apeiron employees and associates will not place orders without of an approved contract. Our employees and associates must act professionally and honestly, even when no one sees them. Everything an Apeiron employee or associate tells a client (whether current or prospective) about Apeiron’s services must be true, accurate, complete, and understandable.
Apeiron supports open and fair competition by complying with all laws and regulations relating to public sector procurement, bidding, and tendering. Apeiron employees will not collude with other individuals or entities to rig bids, place orders in advance of competitive bids, fix prices, or engage in any other form of collusion.